Jean Allouch

Jean Allouch, (Montpellier, 1939) is a French psicoanalista. Biography

Jean Allouch practices psychoanalysis in Paris. He attended the seminars of Jacques Lacan (who was also his analyst) from 1962. He directed the first steps of Littoral magazine, and contributed to the founding of the École lacanienne de psychanalyse. With the collection "The great classics of modern erotology" (Editorial Epel, Paris). He has published Letra por letra (Epeele, México, 2010), Contra la eternidad, (the silver bowl-Ediciones literals, Buenos Aires-Córdoba, 2009) and L'amour Lacan, (Epel Paris, 2009). Lines of investigation

It proposes a reading of the Lacanian work privileging the clinical dimension (on the theoretical or methodological dimension). It establishes bridges of dialogue with philosophy and other disciplines such as literature, based on the work of Kant, Althusser and Foucault, among others. Published Works
