Solar park of Son Salomó

The Son Salomó solar park is a 3 MW solar photovoltaic park located on the estate of Son Salomó, north of Ciudadela (Baleares) Spain.

This park is located in the northwest area of ​​Menorca, on the road to Punta Nati; was the first in the whole island in terms of photovoltaic solar energy, and the second of renewable energies, after the Es Milà wind farm. Building

In February 2006 the public exhibition was made, in June the Balearic Commission of Environment issued its favorable report, as well as the technicians of the Consellería in the month of July. The Insular Council of Minorca granted the declaration of work of general interest in August 2006. Also installed a underground line of 15 KV to connect to the general network.

The park became operational in April 2008, although it opened four months later, on August 6, 2008. characteristics

The surface occupied by the facilities is 10 hectares. With an investment of around 15 million euros, a total of 15,000 solar panels were installed, only 150 centimeters above the ground. Its production reaches 5% of all the energy consumed in Menorca and will supply the annual supply of 1,800 families, or more than 7,000 people.
