Peter of Dusburg

Peter von Dusburg (d.1326), also known as Peter of Duisburg, was a priest and chronicler of the Teutonic Knights. Known for his work Chronicon terrae Prussiae, which describes the crusades of the Teutonic Order of the thirteenth century and the beginning of the fourteenth century and the conquests and subjugation of the Prussian clans.

Its date of birth and death is unknown, although it lived during the second half of the 13th century until the first half of the 14th century. Initially it was thought that he came from Duisburg, Germany, and in some texts he is mentioned as "Peter of Duisburg". Other research indicates that it could be Didburg, now Dutch territory.

In 1324, probably during a stay in Königsberg, he began writing his Chronicon terrae Prussiae for Grand Master Werner von Orseln. By 1326, he had completed an extension of a (now lost) work of a Latinist who had written about the campaigns of the first Baltic crusades. This version was revised and expanded after his death to include the events that occurred until 1330.

Around 1331-35, Nikolaus von Jeroschin translated the chronicle of Peter von Dusburg into Middle High German for Grand Master Luther von Braunschweig.
