Mobile mapping

Mobile mapping involves the integration of different data capture methods, such as cameras, laser scanners, Radar, Lidar ..., to achieve a result for which it would be necessary to capture the same data the same number of times as different methods we want to use. The instruments used by this technique are seen above all in devices located on cars, although it can also be placed on trains or any other vehicle depending on the use or purpose of the final product. Composition of the instrumentation

The most used devices are composed of: Geometry in the position of the instruments

The GPS system only obtains the position of the point where the antenna is located, therefore it is necessary to take into account the distance in the three coordinate axes that exist between all the instruments and the GPS. This is absolutely necessary, since the data of the laser scanners must have the same system and origin of coordinates so that the points of each scanner have coherence between them and form the scene as it was at the time of capture. Photographs must also be geo d, so it is absolutely necessary to know these coordinate deviations; One of the functions that can be performed thanks to obtaining these phase shifts is that you can assign an RGB value (color) to each point of the laser data, so when it comes to visualizing the complete point cloud, we obtain a very visual, not just a cloud in grays.

G. Petrie «An Introduction to the Technology Mobile Mapping Systems» (in English). Archived from the original on November 7, 2015.
