Joseph Damien Tshatshi

Joseph Damien Tshatshi, better known as Colonel Tshatshi, is a soldier from Congo-Kinshasa (called Zaire from 1971 to 1997). He was murdered in Kisangani.

He was trained at the Kananga Central School, headed by General Henniquiau, from which other famous officers like Masiala, Kokolo, Ebeya Itambo, Vangu and Mulamba Nyunyi came out.

On November 24, 1965, he signed the Act of Proclamation of the Second Republic. He was decorated with the order of the Companions of the Revolution, on January 10, 1974 by President Mobutu Sese Seko.

His name was given to a major military camp, the Tshatshi military camp (located in Ngaliema), and to a boulevard in Kinshasa. code edit code Notes and edit the code
