And my friends

Eupompos or Eupompo (Eupompus Εὔπομπος) was the founder of the great school of painting that flourished in the 4th century BC. C. in Sición in Greece, contemporary of Zeuxis, Parrasio and Timantes and teacher of Pánfilo (that was teacher of Apeles).

It was highly esteemed in its times and changed the view of citizens about art schools. Before there was the Heládic school and the Asian school, but with Eupompo was born the school and the Attic school, the latter directed by Apolodoro. He was eclipsed by his successors, and is chiefly reminded by the advice that is supposed to have given Lisipo to follow nature more than any other teacher. Only one winner of a game with a palm is mentioned as his work.
