Butterfly House

Butterfly House is a butterfly garden in the Faust Park in Chesterfield (Missouri). It is a non-profit organization founded in 1995 to make people acquainted with butterflies and their natural environment. The garden was started in 1997, after which the garden was prepared for the public in September 1998. Since 2001, the garden is under the management of the Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis.

The Conservatory Garden is a tropical greenhouse of approximately 740 m². These include butterflies, their host plants and the plants that provide nectar. More than a thousand butterflies fly around freely. There are more than 60 different butterflies and more than 150 tropical species. There are also dolls to see where caterpillars are popping and transforming into adult butterflies. Butterflies that occur include Dryadula phaetusa, Dryas julia, Heliconius hecale, Heliconius melpomene, Idea leuconoe, Morpho peleides, Neptis hylas and Parthenos sylvia.

An educational center is located next to the greenhouse. In this center there are classrooms, a cinema, a souvenir shop and exhibitions. In the outside area, butterflies and plants occur naturally in the United States.

Butterfly House is affiliated with the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, an American nonprofit of zoos and public aquariums. Butterfly House is also affiliated with the International Association of Butterfly Exhibitors and Suppliers, an international organization dedicated to the promotion of butterfly gardens. Externe link 38 ° 39 '52 "NB, 90 ° 32' 34" WL
