Muckross Abbey

Muckross Abbey.

Muckross Abbey is one of the largest ecclesiastical sites in Killarney National Park. It was founded in 1448 as a Franciscan Monastery for the Franciscans of the Observance by Donal McCarthy Mor.

It had a violent history, and has been damaged and rebuilt in countless occasions. The friars were often persecuted and assaulted by pillage groups. Nowadays, the abbey is mostly homeless, although if we do not take this into account, it is generally in fairly good state of conservation. Its most outstanding feature is a central courtyard with a vaulted cloister that currently surrounds a large yew. The cloistered courtyard of Muckross Abbey. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries it became a burial place for some of the outstanding poets of County Kerry, such as O'Donoghue, O'Rathaille and O'Suilleabhain.

Coordinates: 52 ° 01'34 "N 9 ° 29'44" W / 52.0261111111, -9.49555555556
