Roxy Hunter

Roxy Hunter is a movie series produced by Dolphin Entertainment. This consists of the following parts: Plot

1. Roxy Hunter and the Secret of the Moody Mind: After moving to a ghostly old house in the countryside, the turbulent, imaginative, but instructive nine-year-old Roxy Hunter searches her in a weird world of unknown and solved mysteries. With the help of her best friend Max, an eleven year old genius, she starts a mission to solve a crime, save her home and unite an old woman with her long lost love.

2. Roxy Hunter and The Secret of the Shaman As the Hunter family is used to the new house, Roxy is sure she has revealed a secret: the urban runner is actually a Shaman in disguise! She decides to become his student, and although she is not completely right about him, the two misconceptions teach a lot of each other. Cast
