Donghai Bridge

Coordinates: 30 ° 42'25.7 "N 121 ° 58'32.5" E / 30.707139, 121.975694 Donghai Bridge The Donghai Bridge (Chinese: 东海 大桥) is a long Chinese bridge inaugurated in 2005, the official bridge of the longest bridges in the world, considering both those built on sea and over rivers, and occupies the second position behind the causeway bridge of Lake Pontchartrain in the United States. The Donghai Bridge is located in China and has a length of 32.5 kilometers linking the provinces of Shanghai and Zhejiang. Its "S" shaped structure

The Donghai Bridge is designed as an "S" to give better quality and ease of handling to its users, who can drive their roads at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour.
