Ohola and Oholiba

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Ohola (in Hebrew אהלה) and Oholiba (אהליבה) are the names given by the prophet Ezekiel to two sisters representing one the kingdom of Israel (Samaria) and the kingdom of Judah in the Hebrew Bible. They are mentioned in chapter 23 of the book of Ezekiel. Ohola means "his tent" and Oholiba "my tent is in it". They are described as prostitutes and adulterous women who indulge in foreign lovers: the prophet thus denounces the idolatry and the political alliances of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah with pagan nations (Egyptians, Assyrians, Chaldeans ... ). Because of her crimes, Ohola is taken captive, abused and put to death. The prophet announces a similar future for Oholiba. The connection between idolatry and adultery is common among the prophets of the Hebrew Bible. The author uses a very colorful language, indicating for example that the vigor of the lovers of Oholiba was "that of the donkeys" and "their rut that of the stallions" (23, 20). Montesquieu notes this passage, to deduce that the Bible should not be read by all. Notes and edit the code
