
Page of the Talmud, treatise Berajot, folio 2a. The main text is the Talmud. To the right, Rashi's comments; to the left those of Tosafot.

By Tosafot (in Hebrew: תוספות) several medieval Talmud commentators are known. His comments appear in most of the editions of that work, on the margin opposite to Rashi's comments. Tosafista

Name with which a series of Jewish Rabbis of the Middle Ages are known, who were characterized by a meticulous analysis of each leaf of the Guemara (Talmud). They receive that name for being added to the previous comments of rabbis like Rab. Shelomo Itzaki (Rash``i Z`l). The first to receive that name were the grandchildren of the same Rash``i, which is estimated to have inhabited France and Germany, between the years 1160-1350. Among the most well-known tosafists are Rabbenu Tam and Rashbam, both grandchildren of RASHI. One of the last Hatosafot baale was the Rosh (Rabbenu Osher) who long practiced as Rabbi in the city of Barcelona, ​​Spain. The halachic rulings of the Rosh were, together with Maimonides and Rabbenu Alfasi (Morocco, 9th-10th centuries), at the base of the Shuljan Aruch-the code of Jewish laws. During their time of study the tosafistas were forced several times to change their places of residence, since they underwent numerous persecutions in their countries of origin.
