Hermitage of the Virgin of the Crown

Hermitage of the Virgin of the Crown.

The Hermitage of La Virgen de la Corona is located in the municipality of Almudévar, province of Huesca (Aragon, Spain) on the hill of the Castle. Facing the façade there is a terrace enclosed by a barbican in which there is a cross that bears the date 1817.

The primitive parish church was built between 1184 and 1231. In 1560 it was modified and by 1750, with the transfer of the parish to a new church, underwent a new reform that left it as we now see it.

This hermitage of a nave is divided into four sections and the main chapel. The sections are covered with velvety domes and warped, leaning on pointed arches, some of them, such as the chapels on the side of the gospel show decoration of casetones. The main chapel is covered with a dome of lunettes, with recessed arches, supported by pechinas with baroque plasterwork from the second half of the 18th century. It has a high choir, at the feet, and serves to delimit an atrium that is separated from the nave by a rail of stone, iron and wood that takes date of 1762. Outside, in the wall of the feet, it arose in the middle of century XVIII a facade of brick, its entrance is simple, of arc of half point between smooth pilasters with simple auction, there is no entablature, the hornacina and its image lean on a shelf and are framed in a frame of trace mixtilíneo. At the top of the façade is the arched belfry with a semicircular arch, and at the ends two pinnacles of baroque design.

In its interior, a series of altarpieces reflect several styles, emphasizes the main altarpiece, of the XVII century, neoclassical work of carved wood and gold.

The organ of the Virgin of the Crown of Almudévar belongs to the classical school of the Aragonese organism. The keyboard is boxwood and short octave.
