Hart van Brabantloop

The Brabant Run Heart is a running race of about 105 kilometers, held for the first time in 1984. The reason for this was the 55th anniversary of Stichting Studenten Sportorganisatie Pendragon. The Heart of Brabantloop is organized by the "Hart van Brabantloopcommissie", supervised by Pendragon van Tilburg University (TiU) student board.

The trail consists of fifteen stages, divided into ten men's and five women's parts. It is the intention that several runners take the distances in the race. The start is on the TiU campus. After that, the elephant race runs through eleven North Brabant municipalities. In the end, all individual times are added to the end time per team. The race is open for both competition and recreation buyers. In recent years, the course has grown to more than 1500 participants.

The event will take place in September each year. In 2013, the 30th edition will take place from the estafette course. Stage summary Externe link
