Madonna of the Ansidei

La Pala Ansidei or Madonna de los Ansidei (The Virgin between San Juan Bautista and San Nicolás de Bari) is a painting by the Italian Renaissance artist Rafael Sanzio, dating to 1505-1506. It is an oil painting on poplar wood with dimensions of 274 centimeters high and 152 cm. wide. It is conserved in the National Gallery of London, United Kingdom.

The painting was originally executed for a private chapel of the Ansidei family in the church of San Fiorenzo dei Serviti in Perugia. However, it was soon replaced by a copy of Nicola Monti, while the original ended up being part of the collection of Lord Robert Spencer, to pass at the end to the Duke of Marlborough at the Blenheim Palace and from here to the Gallery National of London in the year 1885.

It shows the Virgin Mary sitting on a wooden throne, with Baby Jesus in her lap. On his right is St. John the Baptist, in adoration of the Virgin, and on his left he is reading a book St. Nicholas of Bari.
