Healing (motorcycle)

Healing is a historic Australian brand of motorcycles, which was also known under different other names.

The company name was A.G. Healing, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

A.G. Healing was a trader who produced motorcycles under the brand name in the early twentieth century. Striking on Healing machines is that literally all frame parts were provided with a frame number.


It is possible that machines under the Healing-JAP name were made, of course, with a JAP engine block. Blue Bird

Healing built under the name Blue Bird machines with a JAP-V-twin. Peerless

The Peerless also had such a JAP block, although these machines initially had one-cylinder Minerva and Fafnir engines. In fact, there were only slight differences between these models. De Luxe

Under the name De Luxe, machines were built based on the De Luxe from Chicago and were thus licensed by Healing. Both machines used Spacke engine blocks. Pasco

It is stated that the machines that were offered by the McGae and Pascoe from Melbourne under the brand name "Pasco" from the Healing factory came around 1920.
