The Zaporiyia nuclear power plant (Ukrainian: Запорізька АЕС) in Ukraine is the largest nuclear power plant in Europe and the third in the world, behind the Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear power plant and the Bruce nuclear power station.

The plant is located in central Ukraine, in Enerhodar, near the city of Zaporiyia, on the banks of the Kajovka reservoir on the Dnieper river. It has six VVER-1000 pressurized water reactors each with a power range of 950 MWe with a total power output of 5,700 MWe. The first five have been successfully brought online between 1985 and 1989, and the sixth was added in 1995. The plant generates about half of the country's nuclear electric power and more than one fifth of the total energy generated in Ukraine. and

Coordinates: 47 ° 30'44 "N 34 ° 35'09" E / 47.51222, 34.58583
