Guerras mitridáticas

Mithramatic wars were three military clashes between the Roman Republic and the Ponto in the first century BC. C. They are denominated thus by Mithridates VI, who was king of Ponto at that time and a famous enemy of Rome.

The first mitridic war took place between the years 88 and 84 BC. C. The Roman legions were under the command of Lucio Cornelio Sila. The most important battles included the one of Queronea (86 a. C.) and the one of Orcómenos in 86 a. C. The war ended with the victory of Rome and the signing of the Treaty of Dárdanos.

The second mitridic war took place between the years 83 and 81 BC. C. The Roman armies were commanded by Lucio Licinio Murena. The war came to an end without a clear winner after the Roman defeat and withdrawal by order of Sila.

The third mitridic war took place between the years 75 and 63 BC. C. The army of Rome was directed in the first place by Lucio Licinius Lucullus (from 75 to 66 a.) And later by Cneo Pompeyo Magno (from 66 to 63 a. The war ended with the defeat and subsequent suicide of Mithridates VI in 63 BC. C.

The strength of the kingdom of Pontus was destroyed and Rome affirmed its power over Anatolia.
