Hisham Ibn al-Kalbi (737 - 819), also known as Ibn al-Kalbi, was an Arab historian, originally from Iraq, whose full name was Abu al-Mundhir Hisham bin Muhammad bin al-Sa'ib bin Bishr al-Kalbi. Born in the city of Kufa, he spent most of his life in Baghdad. Like his father, he collected information about the history and genealogies of the ancient Arabs. According to Fihrist, he wrote more than 140 works. His to Arab genealogies are profusely quoted in the Kitab al-aghani, a songbook of Arabic poetry, written between 1216 and 1220.

Hisham established a genealogical line between Ishmael and Muhammad and established the idea that all Arabs are descendants of Ishmael, tracing deeply the ancient Arabic oral traditions, but also based on authors who had direct access to biblical sources and palmirenses His book Djamharat al Nasab ("The abundance of kinship") was translated into German by W. Caskel (Das genealogische Werk des Hisam ibn Muhammad al Kalbi) in 1966.
