Huub of the Moosdijk

Hubertus Antonius (Huub) of the Moosdijk (14 September 1930 - 12 September 2009) was a Dutch politician of the CPP and the CDA. He was an elder of the municipality of Veldhoven and mayor of the former municipality of Vierlingsbeek.

From the Moosdijk was a professional heating engineer in the Koningshof monastery.

At the Veldhovense municipal elections in 1970 he made a candidate for the KVP. He was elected and received one of the four constituencies. During his elderhood, the KVP entered the CDA. He remained an elder until 1982. He was then appointed mayor of the then Gemeens Vierlingsbeek; He held this position until 1989, after which locomotive mayor Jan Ronnes observed his position for some time.

Van de Moosdijk died on September 12, 2009 at the age of 78.
