Lucio Julio César (procuestor)

For other Roman nobles of the same name, see Lucio Julio César.

Lucio Julio César (died in 46 BC, in Latin: Lucius Iulius Caesar), son of another Lucio Julio César, consul in 64 a. Was a Roman noble of the late-republican era. Biography

Nothing is known about his birth or his early years, but is first cited in 49 BC. C., when the civil war broke out between Caesar and Pompey, took sides for the latter, although his father was one of Caesar's lieutenants. Due to his kinship with Caesar, Pompey sent him and one of the praetors to meet with him. That same year, he marched to Africa to take command of the Pompeian chiefs of the area - the King of Numidia, Juba I and Publio Accio Varo - who defeated Caesarian Gaius Scrionus Curion in battle .

In the year 46 a. C., was procuestor under the orders of Cato in Utica. Defeated, however, the Pompeians in Tapso and after the suicide of Cato, surrendered before Caesar. Although some thought that Caesar had killed him, it is not at all probable, but for the majority he was pardoned by Caesar and killed by simple assassins.
