Phoenix Clan (The Book of Five Rings)

The Phoenix Clan is a clan of the Rokugan realm in the role play The Book of Five Rings.

The Phoenix clan is the mysteries of the universe. Long before that, before the arrival of Shinsei, the people of Rokugan venerated the Seven Fortunes. They were capricious gods, who were just as easily contented as they were irritated, and who gave their graces to those who respectfully called upon them and cursed anyone who was disrespectful to them. The songs and secret rituals used to communicate with them were jealously guarded by an order of holy men called shugenja.

To invoke the Fortunes, these shugenja used a language known only to them, transcribed on parchments that they passed on from generation to generation.

When they discovered Shinsei's Tao, they embraced his five-ring philosophy and incorporated it into the Seven Fortunes religion, giving birth to a whole new religious philosophy, source of meditation and inspiration for all shugenja . And no one meditates more on the nature of reality than the Phoenix clan.

The Phoenix clan has three families: only one of them has a bushi school, the other two unmatched throughout the Empire, dedicated entirely to learning Shugenja. The Phoenix Clan is without a doubt the least warlike clan of the entire Empire (Crane included). He prefers peace to war and engages in a conflict only constrained and forced. A shugenja of the Phoenix clan will always strive to find a peaceful solution to a problem, even if the enemy is slaughtering his strongholds. Not even a clan bushi. But if the protection of the clan fortresses lies with the Shiba family, whose daimyo of the Phoenix clan have always come, they are in fact the "masters of the elements" of the Isawa family who have real power. The bushi have all the trouble in the world to obtain permission from the masters to use military force. And when the other clans consider that of the Phoenix as a clan of cowards, this opinion is only partially true. The Samurai want to fight; it is the shugenja who are hard to convince of the need to use force.
