Redjang (writing)

The Redemption

Redjang (Indonesian: Rejang, named by Jasmine Jas-Ka-Ga-Nga) is an abugidascript. The script was used to write the language Redjang, spoken in the Sumatran provinces Bengkulu and South Sumatra.

The script is related to the renaming used for other Malay languages ​​spoken in the region. The name Ka-Ga-Nga comes from the order of the letters (actually syllables): the first three letters are ka, ga and nga. The name is confusing because the renegots use this order.

The redemption is an abugida. That is, the signs represent a consonant with a fixed vowel (in this case an a). The sound of this vowel can be changed by adding vowel signs. There is also a "stop" sign to show only a consonant ("ka" becomes a "k").

The writing was written on wood, bamboo, boombast, lontar leaves (leaves of the Palmyra or Borassus flabellifer), animal skins and sometimes on horns of karbouwen. Also see
