T-MPLS or Transport MPLS is a network layer technique that uses a subset of existing MPLS standards and is intended for transport networks. It is defined by the ITU-T in February 2006. It is a packet-switched connection-oriented application (co-ps). It offers a suitable implementation for co-ps applications and adds mechanisms that support critical features for transport.

T-MPLS is based on the same network-by-layer architectural principles used by other techniques such as SDH and OTN. Service providers have already developed management processes and work procedures based on these principles. Thus, T-MPLS offers a technique that is both familiar and aligned with circuit-based transport networks. It supports current organizational processes and large-scale work procedures.

T-MPLS is a low-cost L2 technique that provides QoS, end-to-end OA & M service and maintenance support, and traffic protection.

The following ITU-T recommendations exist for T-MPLS: Alternative techniquesedit code

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