The General Certificate of Secondary Education (in English: General Certificate of Secondary Education or, in its abbreviations, GCSE) is a group of British titles obtained through examinations that are carried out to students of between 14 and 16 years in the secondary schools of Wales, England and Northern Ireland (in Scotland, the Standard Degree is its equivalent). Educational systems in other British territories, such as Gibraltar and the former colony of South Africa, also use the same qualifications. Although exams are usually taken between those ages, some students may have the opportunity to take one or more GCSEs before. It occurred for the first time, in 1988, with a government of a conservative party. Students must decide the subjects they must study in year 9; in year 10 students must choose their subjects and, in year 11, students study their subjects, taking exams at the end of the year. At the end of the two-year GCSE course, each student receives a grade by subject. The grades that determine that the student passes a subject are from C - A *. From U - D you are usually required to take the test again as most jobs in the UK require a "C" (pass / pass) at least or more, the notes are highlighted at the bottom:

Students receive the classifications or notes in the work week in case they have failed subjects and have to recover them in the month of August, usually on Thursday of the corresponding one. For that, they must go to the center where they are delivered by an authorized person in an envelope with the candidate number assigned to the students previously before presenting the exam. Cambridge and Edexcel allow you to see results online.
