Tristan is a historic French comic strip, created by Jacques Martin with original drawings by Jean Pleyers. From album 10 'The Witches' scenarios were written by the authors Hugues Payen and Jerry Frissen under the supervision of Jacques Martin. Also, artists, Thierry Cayman, Jean-Luc Cornette and Paul Teng share in part or entirely the work of Jean Pleyers. The series first appeared in 1978 under the French title Jhen.

The first two albums were published in Dutch in 1984 and 1985, respectively, by publisher De Lombard Expenditure under the name Xan. At the same time, in 1984, Casterman published the album 'The Hermit' under the name of Tristan, followed by 3 other albums shortly thereafter. In 1998, the first two Xan albums were released by Casterman publisher under the name of Tristan. Story

At the end of the Hundred Years War (first half of the 15th century), Tristan (the main figure) is a master sculptor, all sorts of adventures. Especially in France but some stories also play in England and Italy. He is friends with Gilles de Rais, "Marshal of France" and infamous for his child rapes and murders. This is therefore a recurring theme in the stories, such as alchemy, magic, satan, abuse of power of the church, etc. Other historical figures such as Charles VII of France and Dauphin Louis XI of France appear to be on the horizon. Albums Price

In 2016 the album The Iron Gate won a Prix Saint-Michel in the category Best album by a Dutch-language author.
