
Jupp is a historic British motorcycle brand.

The company name was: L. Jupp Motor Cycle Works, Tunbridge Wells, later Jupp Motor Co. Ltd., London.

The Jupp engines were designed by Baker and looked like scooters with an open frame. The machine already had rear suspension, a Sturmey-Archer two-spoke and full chain drive. Production began in 1921. The Jupp initially had a 269cc-Villiers two-stroke engine that was replaced by a Liberty block with the same content in 1922. In that year there was also a model with a seat for a passenger. Scooters were popular shortly after the First World War, but when the rage ended, Jupp had to switch to a light motorcycle with a 147cc Villiers block and an Albion twin gearbox. This was a remarkable, very low built model with a low entry level so it was also suitable for ladies. However, the machine failed and in 1925 the brand disappeared.
