
Figurine in biscuit of the factory of Vincennes (1754-1755).

Biscuit, or a sponge cake, is, in pottery, the result of the first baking of a piece, but more often it is called biscuit to that same result, provided that matter not be clay but kaolin, quartz and feldspar.


This technique began to be used in the mid-eighteenth century, especially in France, in the Sèvres factory and in Italy, at the Royal Capodimonte Factory in Naples. At this time the statuettes and groups of pastoral scenes became fashionable. In the 19th century many dolls were made in biscuit. Elaboration

The oven for biscuit should be 900 to 1000 ° C and an essential condition is that air must circulate to produce an acceptable oxidation. characteristics

Biscuit ceramics are white, matte and very fragile, so it is only used as a decorative element in statuettes and other objects. Not suitable for dinnerware.
