Software social

Social software (not to be confused with social network analysis software) encompasses a set of communication tools that facilitate interaction and collaboration through social conventions. They are not exactly aspects of programming. These tools include e-mail, e-mail lists, Usenet newsgroups, IRC, instant messaging, network logs, wikis, social bookmarks, social bookmarks, folklore, as well as any other type of virtual network community.

"Social software" is a metaphor that refers to methods of organization that favor the integration of people, information, work and technology (PITT) in a constructive dynamic, in order to provide a maximum service quality, regardless of the scope of action. With web 2.0 or Social Media, the latest advances in the field are impressive and decisive. On the basis of elements such as culture, values, business vision, personal interests and codes of conduct, a coherent global framework is established for people to identify and put their decisions in context, to learn and achieve common goals. The development of new information systems is fundamental to the control and usefulness of organizations.
