
Coordinates: 44 ° 24'37.99 "N 26 ° 8'13.52" E / 44.4105528, 26.1370889 Apartment blocks in Vitan.

The neighborhood of Vitan is one of the neighborhoods that are part of Sector 3, which is southeast of Bucharest (Romania). The neighborhood extends along the river Dâmboviţa, between the neighborhoods of Titan, Centru Civic, Olteniţei and Berceni. To the north of the neighborhood is the shopping center Bucureşti Mall. Lake Văcăreşti, currently drained, was located on the right bank of the Dâmboviţa as it passes through Vitan. The drainage of this lake has provided 3.06 square kilometers of land, which is owned by the Romanian State.
