
Tears of sandraraca

The Sandáraca or sandaraca (from the Greek σανδαράκη = realgargar) is a yellowish resin that is obtained from the juniper, the araar and other cupresáceas.

The resin is a natural tree exudate, but its production is stimulated by making incisions in the bark. It is marketed in the form of small balls or tears. It is slightly harder than mastic.

It has been used as incense and as medicine, for example in Arabia and Persia for diarrhea. It is also used sprinkled on paper or vellum to make calligraphy on them, if by their quality they cause the ink to bleed. From the sandraraca a similar resin is obtained from other cypresses in China and Australia from species of the genus Callitris. Nowadays it is still used to make quality varnishes and it is used in powder with the name of grease.
