Stichting KijkOnderzoek

Stichting KijkOnderzoek (SKO) is a Dutch foundation and is responsible for adaptations and innovations in the survey research method and the monitoring and reporting of the viewpoints. SKO does not conduct the survey itself, but does so by the market research organizations GfK and The Nielsen Company.

In order to carry out this survey, 1,250 households in the Netherlands (approximately 2,750 people) are equipped with equipment on all their televisions, which records who is looking at which station. This is done via the so-called survey gauge. This device registers after which program has been viewed by the viewer. Also, any guests must be logged in via this device. During the night, the collected data is sent via GPRS to a computer that collects all data.

The Nielsen Company records for a large number of Dutch stations what is being broadcast. Each transmitted item records the start and end times. Programs are registered which is the correct title and a SKO encoding is reported which indicates what kind of program it is. The spots include the brand, submark, product, industry and advertiser. It is also checked whether the broadcast spot corresponds to the spot the sender was planning to broadcast. These data will be linked to the viewing behavior data early in the morning, which will allow the most important viewpoints to be published on SKO's website the morning after broadcast. Externe link
