Fugitive beauty

The Grand Prix Formula 1 of Spain 2007 was held on May 13, 2007 at the Barcelona Circuit de Catalunya.

Result Notes Standing after the Grand Prix runners builders Statistics

Formula 1 World Championship Grand Prix's (2000-2009) Formula 1 World Championship Grand Prix's (2000-2009) /p>

The music can not be followed without the introduction of the composer. It is played by three combinations of musical instruments:

In the one-piece work, these three groups work their way to the end in three different tempi. The hoboist is the one who begins at a slow pace (every 17 seconds a nut / rest) and accelerates to beat 164. The duo just decreases from size 94 to 56. The trio accelerates from beat 34 to 304. By this composite technique fades The measured format as mentioned above. Each voice in the score has coincidence with music / members of the other group.

The music has been broken by the construction, but the individual parties go over and then break apart. Approximately in the middle of the 17 minutes, a compilation resembles the chamber music structure of classical music, but the question remains open or intended as such and whether each listener recognizes the same moment, as the listener is also part of this casual encounter Every listener will have his / her own meeting moment.

The first performance was held on 7 May 2006 at a music festival in Witten by the Ensemble Recherche.
