Geographical-Statistical Dictionary of Spain and Portugal

The geographic-statistical dictionary of Spain and Portugal is a great work published by Sebastián Miñano y Bedoya (1779-1845) writer, journalist, geographer, historian and Spanish politician. It finished publishing in Madrid in 1829. Composed of 11? volumes.

The geographer Fermín Caballero criticized Miñano for the shortcomings of the work. Among other shortcomings, he criticizes the fact that Miñano's main source of information remained, as in the time of Philip II (Relations), parish priests "to each of whom I have written separately, asking them certain and positive notions of their respective peoples and of the immediate ones, "and to whom he thanks his help, in addition to the director of the Royal Academy of History, Martín Fernández de Navarrete, and censor Juan Agustín Ceán Bermúdez. Table of Contents
