A rose for Emily

A rose for Emily is a narrative written by William Faulkner and published for the first time on April 30, 1930. The work is composed of five chapters and the technique of the serial is used in it.

Two important facts are presented in the chapters. One at the beginning and another at the end of the chapter. The goal of ending a nuclear event is to leave in the reader a certain curiosity or expectation that leads him to read the next chapter. The story is narrated in the first person of the plural and represents the voice of the people who give their opinion; it is an infrascient narrative. There are very few dialogues, only three. The main theme is the hiding of the crime that the character does for his lack of mental health. It also gives priority to loneliness, suffered by Emily because of her father and the isolation imposed on her. In general, jumps occur in time. The work begins with the funeral of Emily, then go back and tell the facts that triggered the curiosity and gossip of people for the life of it. When he arrives again at the funeral, the time is linear, narrating the discovery of Homer's corpse, in a dark room of the mansion. coconut
