Boris Yelenski

Boris Yelenski (1889, Krasnodar, Russia - 1974, United States of America) was an anarchist propagandist, secretary of the Chicago Anarchist Red Cross between 1913 and 1917.

He traveled to Russia after the October Revolution of 1917, and worked actively in the labor and union movement in Novorossijsk. He left the country in 1922. Yelenski was secretary of the Committee for the Liberation of Political Prisoners during 1924 and 1925, later integrating diverse aid funds and committees for the liberation of anarchist political prisoners between 1925 and 1957. He also integrated the Maximoff Memorial Publication Committee, editing works by Gregori Maksimov. He published articles on Truženika's Chicago Goals, at Truda's New York Goals, at the Yiddish Fraye Arbeter Shtime in New York and Philadelphia. Outstanding works
