Now you can leave

Now you can go is a song interpreted by the Mexican singer Luis Miguel in 1987 for his album Soy como quiero ser, the song is the Spanish version of the song in English I Only Want To Be With You performed by Dusty Springfield in 1963. Popularity

The original song in English was written by Mike Hawker and Ivor Raymonde, while the adaptation to Spanish was made by Luis Gómez Escobar. The Spanish version, Now you can go, was a success in the voice of Luis Miguel in 1987.

The song was officially released in summer 1987 as the album's first single. also received a Grammy nomination for best single in Spanish, was recorded under the WEA label produced by Juan Carlos Calderón. It became a big hit especially among young audiences, reaching number one on the Billboard Hot Latin Tracks for three non-consecutive weeks during 1987, at which time Luis Miguel became the youngest singer to have a Top Hit on the Billboard Hot Latin Tracks with only 17 years, in 2005 Luis Miguel included the subject in his album Great successes. Finally the track was number 28 on the Billboard Hot Latin Tracks.

To date, the theme is still in the public's taste, consolidating itself as one of the greatest successes of Luis Miguel's career. English version

A Portuguese version of the album Soy como quiero ser was released in 1998 for Brazil where "Ahora te puedes marchar" was translated and interpreted by Luis Miguel as "Ahora Você Can Ir".
