Second Dynasty of the Sea Country

The Second Dynasty of the Land of the Sea is a dynasty that ruled Babylon from 1026 to 1006 BCE. J. - C., if one follows the royal list of this city, even if the links between the three kings which constitute it are not clear. As its name suggests, it originates from the "Land of the Sea", the region that occupies the southern part of Babylonia, on the shores of the Persian Gulf, which then went further north than today, a region made up of many marshy areas. A first dynasty had been established there a few centuries earlier, without, however, dominating Babylon. The Second Dynasty of the Land of the Sea succeeded the Second Dynasty of Isin, whose last kings fell in chaos in the face of the incursions of tribes from the north, like the Sutéans and especially the Arameans. The situation of Babylonia then becomes very unstable, and the country is plunged into chaos for more than a century, dynasties succeeding each other without reaching a lasting peace.

The three kings of this "dynasty" are:
