Valle de Cardós Hydroelectric Complex

Swamp of Tavascán

Located in the Catalan town of Tavascán (Pallars Sobirà), the Valle de Cardós Hydroelectric Complex was built between 1959 and 1974 by the construction company Copisa. The complex comprises three hydroelectric plants:

The hydroelectric complex of Alto Cardós is made up of more than 75 km. tunnels and underground channels. Built for nearly 20 years, more than 4,000 workers participated in its construction. At present, the Tavascan Power Station is one of the only underground power stations of these characteristics visitable.

These plants mainly use the water of the natural lake of glacial origin with more capacity of the Spanish Pyrenees, Certascan lake located at 2,300 m altitude with a capacity of 18,000,000 L of water and a depth of approximately 100 m .
