
Les Cabardièses is an international piano festival, created in 2000, which takes place every year, beginning of August the first years, at the end of July, in Pennautier (France, Aude). Five concerts: Wednesday (sometimes late afternoon sometimes at night) at the Château de Pennautier, Thursday in Aragon, village of Haut Cabardès, Friday since 2015 in Ventenac-Cabardès on Saturday night at the Na Loba Theater in Pennautier and Sunday afternoons at a Cabardès winery.

The festival is organized by the Town Hall of Pennautier with the support of the association "Les Amis des Cabardièses". It has the support of the Department of Aude, the Agglomeration Community of Carcassonne, and many private partners.

Françoise Choveaux has been Artistic Director since 2001. edit code change the code
