Industry (group)

Industry is a music group, founded in 1978 by guitarist and sound engineer Andrew Geyer, drummer Mercury Caronia and singer Seán Kelly under the surname "Industrial Complex". The sound was focused on experimental electronic music. They then realize in the form of EP two albums little publicized.

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Andrew Geyer left the group in 1981. Guitarist Brian Unger, guitarist / bassist Rudy Perrone joined the band, and Jon Carin, who will be the new lead singer. They then sign on the Capitol Records label and record the band's 3 album. Under the impetus of Carin who will compose a large part of the titles with sometimes the help of his partners, the sound will this time in the line pop / rock tinged with synthetic sounds. Their best-known single title is State Of The Nation, which made them known in the European charts between 1983 and 1984, followed by a second single Still Of The Night. Will follow the release of their commercial album "Stranger To Stranger". The band will dissolve at the end of 1984, and Jon Carin will begin a career as a well-known studio and stage musician in the band Pink Floyd, while Mercury Caronia and Rudy Perronne will join the progressive rock band Cathedral in which they played before the Industry adventure. code Sources and edit code Notes and edit the code
