Joaquín del Cossío was president (then Supreme Director) of Nicaragua, in the year 1839, according to the Decree of May 21 of that same year, naming him Supreme Director of the State of Nicaragua, which refers to the following:

"The Provisional Director of the State of Nicaragua, to its inhabitants, inasmuch as the Legislative Assembly has decreed the following: The Senate and Chamber of Representatives of the State of Nicaragua, constituted in Assembly DECRETAN: It has been supreme Director of the State , elected by the Chambers, to the citizen Joaquin de Cósio Communicate to the Executive Power to have it printed, published and circulated.- Given in León, May 21, 1839.- Fruto Chamorro, SP- Juan Fábrega, SS- José H. Herdocia, RS- Therefore: Execute.- Leon, May 21, 1839.- Patricio Rivas.- Secretary of the General Office. "
