
Interior of one of the caves. Exterior appearance of the cracks.

Trollegater (in Swedish, The streets of the trolleys) is a nature reserve located in Kinda, near Linköping, Sweden. It is one of the largest cave systems in southern Sweden, with about 140 m. of length. It was declared a nature reserve in 1980.

The caves were formed at the end of the last ice age, about 10,000 years ago, at a time of major earthquakes, when the ice melted and the earth was exposed, tensions were released in the primary rock (in this case granite) that caused the cracks to widen and deepen.

The entrance to the caves is quite narrow, as well as some passages inside, so it is advisable to have good physical shape and be equipped with appropriate clothes and flashlights for your visit. Mythology

Although the people of the area knew about the existence of caves for some time, it was not until 1964 when two adventurers went into them, perhaps because they were considered the dwelling place of trolls, a belief that is very widespread in Scandinavian mythology. In fact, the reddish color of the rocks is attributed to butcheries made by these inside the caves, although in reality it is a type of lichen of that hue.
