Association of Spanish teachers and Hispanists in Greece


La Asociación de profesores de español e hispanistas en Grecia - ASPE (en griego: Association of Greek Teachers of Spanish Language and Spaniards - ΣEKI), es una organización profesional fondada en 1991 en Atenas Grecia. Dedication to the formation of professors of Greek professors, respecting the enseñanza de la lengua española. Nowadays, it is important to note that the European Union has a long history of being a member of the European Union, and that it is important that Greece and Greece have the right to vote and to vote in favor of the European Council Instituto Cervantes de Atenas. The Encargado de manager has been awarded the diploma of the European Expanse Diploma (DELE) del mundo. And, for the presidency of the Spanish academic community, this is a very important part of the study, which is the result of the fact that it is not part of the definition of secondary education. Veamos, la situación con más detalle. It is a matter of course that the trabajar as a teacher of Greece (mainly in the academic field of private class) is required to be a member of the Ministerio de Educación del País. En líneas generales, para obtener en permiso de la enseñanza, los griegos requitan licenatura en Filología Hispánica o el DELE Superior y los nativos de español pueden ser licenciados en cualquier materia y carrera profesional. In the context of the Commission's request, the European Court of Human Rights has ruled that the applicant has been granted the right to a candidate and that the DELE was accompanied by an offer of an offer by the European academic community idiomas. The Sin embargo, como señala Ponce (2007: 41), los professors of estos centros no siempre tienen la preparación adecuada, a veces es suficiente con que sean hispanohablantes. It is important to note that Greece has been aware of the fact that it has been announced by the Ministry of Education to be a member of the KPG (Kratikó Pistopoiitikó Glossomatheias), which has been awarded the Estatal de Aprendizaje de at Lengua española.

In addition, after elections held in Greece, they have awakened this time so much attention in Spain that many television programs, which have included interviews with Greek citizens. In social networks has drawn attention to the excellent pronunciation and ability to express themselves in Spanish of the Greeks interviewed, from anonymous citizens to politicians, such as the mayor of Athens, who was interviewed by the press The Objective.
