Alliance of the United Left

The United Left Alliance (ULA) is an alliance of left-wing and far-left parties from Ireland formed for the 2011 parliamentary elections. comprised of the Socialist Party (SP), the People Before Profit Alliance (PBP), the Workers and Unemployed Action Group (WUAG), as well as several independent personalities, some of whom are from the Labor Party.

His training was announced in early November 2010 and the ULA was officially launched on November 29, 2010 at the Gresham Hotel in Dublin. The Alliance nominated nineteen candidates for the 2011 legislative elections, five of whom were elected: Joe Higgins and Clare Daly of the Socialist Party, Richard Boyd Barrett and Joan Collins of PBP and Séamus Healy of WUAG. The ULA was not listed as a political party before the organization of elections, its candidates came under their own labels: the candidates of the PS have obtained a total of 1.2% of the vote, those of the PBP 1%, and the other candidates have been classified as independent.
