
Ecocentrism is a philosophical current that emerged at the end of the 20th century, practically with the concept of sustainable development. This philosophy is based on the rational actions and thoughts of the individual must focus both on care and conservation of the environment.

Ecocentrism exposes a love towards nature as a total abstract being; it is related to the Gaia hypothesis. In contrast to anthropocentrism, that sensocentrism and that biocentrism, ecocentrism is concerned with preserving ecosystems and species, not for preserving the lives of specific individuals. Pentti Linkola is one of the representatives of ecocentrism.

Ecocentric ecology differs from anthropocentric environmentalism in that the former gives priority to the conservation of species and ecosystems over the conservation of individuals -including human beings-, being that the latter gives priority to the human being over the conservation of species and ecosystems, defending conservation for the benefit of humans only.
