The Silver (Zulia)

Sabana de la Plata or La Plata, is a town in the Simón Bolívar Municipality in Zulia state, Venezuela.

Residential area

La Plata is a road node between the roads Lara - Zulia, Punta Gorda - La Plata, D and others, not far from there is the Williams road in the sector of La Plata known as "Los Dulces" for its food kiosks. La Plata has grown to become something more than a road node, having already school, clinic, shops and a stadium, its strategic and safe location (approximately 50 m above sea level) has favored its development. La Plata is also the access to the rural areas of the Cabimas, Simón Bolívar and Lagunillas municipalities to towns such as Curazaíto, la Vega, and La Pica Pica, among others. The sweets sector, a suburb of La Plata separated from this by forest, is the node between the Lara - Zulia and the Williams, its food stalls have become famous for offering meat from practically any animal (chicken, beef, pork, goat, rabbit, deer, iguana, tapir, sheep, etc.). Sectors Sites
