
Hanmudo, also once written as Han Mu Do, is a Korean fighting art developed by Dr. Kimm Hee-Young (born 1940). Dr. Kimm practiced several Korean martial arts in his youth, especially Yudo and later Hapkido.

In 1963, emigrated Dr. Kimm from Korea to the United States and developed his own style. In 1991 Dr. Kimm to name his style Hanmudo. The Hanmudo has many similarities with Hapkido but also recognizes elements taken from other Eastern martial arts. In the training, much attention is paid to the development of ki.

The emphasis is mainly on defending against stairs and bumps, knife or stabbing attacks, gripping on clothing or body parts.

All techniques are based on simple laws of nature and are designed to work without the addition of force or interpretation. Speed, power and control are all included in the correct order and execution of a technique. Many techniques are also suitable for physically less powerful persons. This makes it possible to defend yourself against a bigger or stronger opponent. In Europa

In different countries, including the Netherlands, Hanmudo schools are active. Frans van Boxtel (6th then) is the one who represents Hanmudo at European level. The countries where Hanmudo is currently represented in Europe are: The Netherlands, England, Switzerland, France and Italy. In England, Nikki Banham (5th then) is at the head. Philippe Fontaine represents France (4th then). In Italy this is Pietro Pinga (5th then) and Ernst-Jan Rolloos (5th then) is head of Switzerland. Also see
