The story of Theophilus is known to us by St. Dionysius, bishop of Alexandria, Egypt: a poor man was tried in the city court on the sole pretext that he was a Christian. He was probably going to apostatize when a colossus, a veteran of the governor's guard, came up to him and encouraged him not to deny his faith. It is about Theophilus, who is there accompanied by four friends, Ingene, Zeno, Ammon and Ptolemy. All five, in a threatening voice, tell the judge that they too are Christians. The judge thinks it wiser to withdraw, and Theophile leaves the court escorting the accused.

Saint Denys says nothing about the eventual continuation of the story. Theophile would have died in 251, but it is not known whether he was martyred or not. His name (Θεόφιλος Theophilos) means in ancient Greek "friend of God".

Festival: June 1st according to the Roman martyrology. Notes and edit the code
