Unshackled! is an American radio theater produced by Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago, Illinois. It was first broadcast in 1950. It is the world's longest-running radio-theater, and one of the few produced in the United States. The program is broadcast more than 6500 times around the world each week in more than 1550 stations, being recreated in seven languages. As of 2006, there were more than 2800 episodes. All last for 30 minutes.

Each episode dramatizes the testimony of someone converted to the Christian faith, sometimes due to a visit to the Pacific Garden Mission or to have heard Unshackled! on the radio. The program makes extensive use of the electronic organ as music and as a bridge between scenes.

The series episodes include stories like the great baseball player turned to evangelism, Billy Sunday, or the homeless banker, Dominic Mance. The show's cast includes figures from the golden era of radio, such as Bob O'Donnell, Jack Bivens and Russ Reed.
